How to configure ADFS ( Active Directory Federation Services )
Start with Windows
Server 2008 [R2] – Domain Joined
Create a friendly DNS
name for ADFS and point it to your adfs server. (
Download and install
ADFS 2.0. Federation Server role from below link. This will install all pre-requisites
In the IIS manager
create an SSL certificate for your friendly DNS name or use SelfSSL from the
IIS 6.0 resource kit to create a self-signed certificate
Give it a friendly name
Run through the ADFS
Server configuration wizard
o Create a new federation Service
o Stand-alone server
o Select the certificate that you created for
your friendly DNS name
Create an SPN for the
DNS name so that Kerberos authentication between the browser and the ADFS IIS
instance works correctly
-a HTTP/ yourdomain\Administrator
-a HTTP/adfs yourdomain\Administrator
In the ADFS
2.0 MMC snap-in select the certificates node and double click the token-signing
certificate to Export Certificate
Open the ADFS 2.0 MMC snapin and add a new “Relying Party Trust”:
Select Data Source: Import data about a relying party from
a file. Browse to metatada.xml you have
Display Name: Give the trust a display name
Choose Issuance
Authorization Rules:
Permit all users to access this relying party
Open Edit Claim Rues
Dialog: Ticked
Add a new rule:
Claim Rule Template: Send LDAP Attributes as Claims
Claim Rule Template: Send LDAP Attributes as Claims
Attribute Store: Active directory
Attribute: User Principal Name
Claim Type: Name ID
Set the Secure
hash algorithm to SHA1 instead of the default SHA-256. This is set in relying
party trust properties under advanced.
Logout url
=> issue(Type =
"logoutURL", Value = "",
= "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified");
To enable access to Firefox
and other browsers.
To turn Extended Protection off, on
the AD FS server, launch IIS Manager, then, on the left side tree view, access
Sites -> Default Web Site -> adfs -> ls. Once you’ve selected the
"/adfs/ls" folder, double-click the Authentication icon, then
right-click Windows Authentication and select Advanced Settings… On the
Advanced Settings dialog, choose Off for Extended Protection.
Custom Rule for givenane,
Surname and E-mail id.
c:[Type ==
Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
=> issue(store = "Active
Directory", types =
"Givenname", "Surname", "E-mail ID"), query =
";userPrincipalName,givenName,sn,mail;{0}", param = c.Value);
Written by : Yogesh Dhingra
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